Anyway, I have no idea what is age appropriate, and what milestones he should be reaching when. I quit checking up at the bookstore.
Apparently he said his first full sentence a couple weeks ago (maybe a week ago, they have never given dates of milestones, which I find irritating - what if I was keeping a baby book of those kinds of things? I should just ask). "I want yummies," apparently, which I find find hilarious. There wasn't enough food in the world to keep me full when I was pregnant. I never had any cravings or anything, but I would eat almost anything (as long as it didn't have refried beans or guacamole in it). They also mentioned that one of his first words was yummies.
My grandparents were going on a cruise while I was pregnant, and I remember being so jealous because, ALL THAT FOOD. They could eat whenever they wanted, without having to pay for it every single time!
Anyway, I guess all of this is to say that I'm glad I can pretend that all that hunger (I was perfectly well fed, so that wasn't a thing) while I was pregnant had some bearing on his current life. I don't really think he looks like me or Ham, so I tend to cling to anything that seems to link us even remotely.
When my mom was pregnant with me, apparently she ate shit-tons of Grape Nuts. And she microwaved them, which she never did before or since. I love microwaved Grape Nuts.
In my pregnancy, the only thing I crave is not being nauseous. And it's THE WORST KIND because I don't even throw up, I just feel annoyingly sick all day. So I can't throw up for a few hours to get some relief. I've been surviving on buttered rice and pop tarts.
I read the comment you left me to Max Power. It scared both of us. To be fair though, everything scares us. We're both pretty cognizant and petrified of the bonding process and the not-wanting-to-give-him-up process. Like, we know it's going to happen and it's going to suck beyond all reasonable imagining, though we don't know WHAT it's going to feel like.
Oh man, the NAUSEA. I threw up between three and four times a day for the first 3-4 months. It was miserable.
My first inclination was to reassure that oh, no, it will be fine! All will be well! And then I immediately realized that was a stupid, STUPID response. It sounds like you guys already know, but it will be awful! A counselor at my agency who is a birthmother herself tells women planning to place that it will literally feel like your heart is being ripped out of your body. Doesn't that sound lovely? It's true, though. I have all kinds of ways to explain what it felt like to me. It's different for everyone though. A birthmom I know through my support group mentioned that she would love it if someone who had been through it before she did had sat down with her and told her exactly how they were feeling when, she would have appreciated that. If you think that would help, or you just want to talk or whatever, please let me know. I think my email address is on my blog. I'm sure you have all kinds of people to talk to, though! (Which, I have no idea if this is a normal response, I'm pretty bad at the whole connecting to people through blogs thing!!)
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